Qty available: 15

Order King Cole Tea by the case and SAVE on the cost of tea plus shipping & handling. Purchase in bulk to ensure you always have King Cole Tea on hand.

King Cole Tea has been blended in Atlantic Canada for over 150 years! If you love tea, one taste will tell you why this blend of orange pekoe has remained unchanged for nearly seven generations.  It is the favourite tea of our customers around the world and here at home. King Cole tea is packed in specially designed bags for better infusion. Each bag brews 2 perfect cups of tea.

Storage Tips:
Tea bags stored in an air tight container can last for 2+ years.

Customer Reviews

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Customer Reviews

Based on 8 reviews
Jeff Hahn

Best Tea ever!!


I’m always happy when I’m well stocked with King Cole tea! It arrived swiftly and I had zero issues.

Ken Greene
King Cole Tea Delivery

Best on the planet.. period!!

Family tradition

King Cole tea bags have been a staple of my husband's family for generations. We live in the States, and rarely get to New Brunswick now, so it's wonderful to be able to buy these in bulk from East Coast Catalog. No other black tea compares!

Hugh Carola
This tea ALONE is a reason to emigrate

My first introduction to King Cole was during a vacation in Alma, NB. As we so often do, my wife and I each ordered iced tea. After the first sip, we looked at each other and said, "Wow!" Calling our server over, I inquired as to the type/brand of tea, to which she replied, "It's our local New Brunswick brand." SInce that first sip, King Cole has been our ONLY brand of tea - both regular and decaf (which is the ONLY decaf tea that actually tastes like tea). SInce that vacation, every vacation to Canada includes a trip to Sobey's, IGA or other supermarket to stock up. For the long in-between times - which to this Maritme province-loving American are always WAY too long - I was SO happy to find East Coast Catalogue. It's a great day when that big box arrives in the mail. When that happens, my coworkers also have a great day because they know I'll soon be refilling the tea jar in our office cafe with, as they call it, "that fantastic Canadian tea".